Waverlite Walletlock

Transact with any currency wallet for seamless operations

Receive payments and easily manage your business earnings across multiple currencies in one place.

Create Business Account

empower your business with waverlite wallet and operate with the freedom

Step 1

Run your business using any currency wallet for flexibility in transactions.

Give your customers the freedom to pay how they want. Use Waverlite multi-currency wallets to receive payments in 40+ currencies and enjoy low transaction fees.

Create multiple wallets to support your customer's transactions. 

Create and organize multiple wallets in one place to support your customers' preferred payment methods. Offer customers a smoother checkout experience with flexible payment options.

Step 2
Step 3

Allows you to manage customers wallets with ease.

Control and manage user's wallets (all wallet functionalities on Waverlite) over an API. Easily oversee and manage user inflows, outflows, and transactions, enabling or disabling them as needed.

an API with endless possibilities

Seamlessly integrate our global payment solution into your business, with the flexibility to scale and adapt as your business grows. Process payments quickly and securely, no matter where you are.

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